6 Easy Ways to Secure Valuables at Home

July 28, 2021

6 Easy Ways to Secure Valuables at Home

As you begin to be more successful at your job and have a little bit more money coming in, chances are you are going to be able to afford a few nicer things that might need to be kept away in a safe place. Jewelry, watches, family heirlooms, and cash are all things that you want to safely secure in your home.

If you haven't considered the securing of your valuables before this, it is important to note that Australia has the seventh-highest rate of burglaries in the world. That means that your precious valuables have a higher chance of being stolen than you may have previously thought.

Who Do I need to Protect my Valuables From?

While you may have an excellent security system that you believe will protect your valuables from home intruders, they are not the only people you need to worry about. Theft can often come from within the home from people you trust.

Surveys show that more than half of all housekeepers and maids have admitted that they have stolen something from a client. These are just the ones that have admitted it. These numbers are staggering.

Then you can include theft from the nanny and family members that might know of your valuables, and it becomes clear that you need to protect your valuables from those that visit as well. This is not to say anything about your nanny, housekeeper, or friends. This is more about you doing your due diligence when it comes to protecting your home.

So, How Do I Secure my Valuables?

Ensuring that your valuables are safe can be a relatively simple task that involves clever hiding places or secure storage that only you have access to. There are many options to take advantage of, but we're just going to cover a few.

1. Safe: Safes are the tried and true method when it comes to securing your valuables. A small home safe (or large safe for Mr. Moneybags over here) that you keep hidden in a closet is the easiest way to secure your valuables at home so that you have access to them whenever you may need them. You can store jewelry, cash, important documents, home defense tools, and other important items that you wish for others to not have access to. Safes are hard to breach without knowing the code or having the key, so you can rest easy with your valuables stashed away.

2. Security Cameras: Security cameras are both a deterrent and a way of identifying who might be stealing your valuables. Nanny cams have been a thing for a long time when it comes to providing safety for your children. Utilizing motion censored security cameras where you store your valuables will give you the upper hand when it comes to confronting the nanny or housekeeper if they steal from you. The staggering statistics on housekeeper theft almost requires the use of cameras when you are using their services.

3. Hiding Places: If you are not a fan of safes and security cameras, you might want to get creative about where you are storing your valuables. When you are considering places to hide your valuables, make sure to think about the least likely place that a burglar or someone you know might look. The most overlooked area in your home during a home invasion is the dishwasher. If you plan to wash every dish by hand, storing your valuables in the dishwasher is almost as safe as storing them at the bank. This is also a safe place to store them in the event of a fire as it will insulate and keep them safe. You can also store your jewelry in plastic bags stuffed in a random box in the closet or use the popular location of a coat pocket. Hiding your valuables isn't ideal, but it ensures that you won't lose things that are precious to you.

4. Safety Deposit Box: This has less to do with at-home securing, but if you have a significant jewelry collection and cash, you may want to consider placing these valuables in a bank or safety deposit box. Keeping these items out of the home might be the best way to keep them safe. The unfortunate downside to this would be the need to retrieve your jewelry or other valuables for when you might need them.

5. Decoy Hiding Places: While the same as hiding your valuables, decoy hiding places and devices are slightly different in that they are unique and can be inconspicuous. Potted plants with a false bottom or hollowed-out books are unique places that a home intruder or housekeeper may not think to look. You can keep these decoy hiding places in plain sight, and no one would know the difference. A clever home intruder might know to check for decoys, but the average home invasion only lasts a few minutes, so it is unlikely they will have the time to go through and look for valuables.

6. Security Systems: The best line of defense for your valuables is a good security system. When you set up a consultation with your local security agency to figure out your home security needs, they can guide you on what you need to protect your valuables. They will ensure the outside is burglar-proof and give you the added protection of surveillance systems for your valuables inside. They can also give you targeted advice for proper storage and safety so that you can have the peace of mind that the things that are most precious to you are kept safe.

Gain Peace of Mind

Taking control of your home's security and ensuring that things you hold most dear are protected is an important step in protecting your home. Don't leave your valuables out to be stolen by intruders or people you trust.

Consult with a security company today to get the peace of mind that you need when it comes to your valuables.